Swindon Woman Claims She Was Unaware Knife Was in Borrowed Coat

Nina Austin, 46, admitted guilt after police found a knife in her coat pocket on Cricklade High Street. She claims ignorance.

Swindon Woman Claims She Was Unaware Knife Was in Borrowed Coat
Swindon Woman Claims She Was Unaware Knife Was in Borrowed Coat

Nina Austin admitted guilt at court on March 4. She had a knife in public and is 46 years old.

The day before, police arrested her around 7:20 am on Cricklade High Street. Police said she was drunk and causing trouble.

Officers found a blue flip knife in her coat pocket, which could lock.

Last week, she received a community order for shoplifting and breaking sex offender rules, which made the knife charge worse.

Austin’s lawyer explained that she is homeless, which explained her recent crimes. He said she borrowed the coat for warmth.

Austin claimed she didn’t know about the knife until finding it in the pocket, and that she didn’t threaten anyone.

The judge gave her a 12-week sentence suspended for a year, along with 25 rehab days. The judge cancelled the order from last week.

Police took the knife, and Austin must pay an additional £154 surcharge.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/24984404.swindon-woman-did-not-know-knife-pocket/?ref=rss
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