Pudsey Residents Express Concerns Over Proposed Phone Mast Location

Pudsey Residents Express Concerns Over Proposed Phone Mast Location

Residents worry the 20 meter mast, intended for 5G, will be too close to homes and visually intrusive. Pudsey Residents Express Concerns Over Proposed Phone Mast Location Don Mort wrote about a phone mast issue in Pudsey. Cornerstone wants to build a 20-meter pole, and they need council permission for this project. The company provides…

Bromley Roads Face 18 Month Traffic Ban for 5G Installation

Bromley Roads Face 18 Month Traffic Ban for 5G Installation

Bromley roads may face an 18-month traffic ban starting March 2025 for 5G equipment upgrades by WHP Telecoms. Bromley Roads Face 18 Month Traffic Ban for 5G Installation Bromley is closing some roads to traffic. WHP Telecoms will install new 5G tech. They need to replace existing telecoms equipment. Park Avenue and Spur Road are…