Contractor To Cover Costs for Faulty Roads in Cheshire East

Contractor To Cover Costs for Faulty Roads in Cheshire East

Roads in Cheshire East need repair. A contractor will pay for surface issues and windscreen damage claims. Contractor To Cover Costs for Faulty Roads in Cheshire East Cheshire East mentioned some problem roads in Wilmslow, Shavington, and other places. They listed the A34, A500, A49, A54, and A533 roads. At a council meeting, Lata Anderson…

Call to End Northwich One Way System Grows With New Petition Launched

Call to End Northwich One Way System Grows With New Petition Launched

A petition is calling for the removal of Northwich’s controversial one-way system, citing increased traffic and congestion. Call to End Northwich One Way System Grows With New Petition Launched This road layout acts like a big roundabout. It uses Chester Way plus the A533 roads. They started using it back in January 2012. It was…