Ramsgate Holiday Let Guests Find Nappies and Trash in Shocking Conditions

Ramsgate Holiday Let Guests Find Nappies and Trash in Shocking Conditions

Guests were horrified by unsanitary conditions at a Ramsgate rental. Nappies and trash littered the garden. Ramsgate Holiday Let Guests Find Nappies and Trash in Shocking Conditions People booked a holiday. They were shocked by the poor condition. The rental was on the Kent coast in Ramsgate. Colin Yexley, 61, and Jackie, 70, found a…

Greenlands Hotel Henley Receives Coveted Booking.com Award

Greenlands Hotel Henley Receives Coveted Booking.com Award

Henley’s Greenlands Hotel wins the Booking.com Traveller Review Award 2025 for outstanding guest satisfaction. Greenlands Hotel Henley Receives Coveted Booking.com Award Guess what? Greenlands Hotel just won an award! Booking.com gave them a “Traveller Review Award 2025”. It means they really make guests happy. The award is all about great visitor feedback. Their score was…