Anthony Ibbitson Murder Mark Vaskouski Sentence Explained

Anthony Ibbitson Murder Mark Vaskouski Sentence Explained

Mark Vaskouski gets life for murdering Anthony Ibbitson in his Hull flat. A new TV series will cover the case. Anthony Ibbitson Murder Mark Vaskouski Sentence Explained Channel 5 will show a new series. It follows police after a man’s death. Anthony Ibbitson was beaten badly at home. Anthony died in the hospital two days…

Detective Doubted Killer’s 999 Call After Canterbury Double Stabbing

Detective Doubted Killer’s 999 Call After Canterbury Double Stabbing

A detective questioned a killer’s call after a double murder in Canterbury. The case features in a new Channel 5 documentary. Detective Doubted Killer’s 999 Call After Canterbury Double Stabbing A detective thought a killer’s call sounded fake. The call came right after a double murder. The killer was Foster Christian. He murdered Simon Gorecki…