Car Thieves Jailed After Owner Killed in Land Rover Getaway

Car Thieves Jailed After Owner Killed in Land Rover Getaway

A car thief gets over ten years for killing a man who tried to stop his Land Rover from being stolen. Car Thieves Jailed After Owner Killed in Land Rover Getaway A car thief went to jail for killing a man. The thief tried to steal the man’s Land Rover. Marvin Sutton, 35, took the…

Farm Group Fined After Longridge Man Died in Tire Explosion

Farm Group Fined After Longridge Man Died in Tire Explosion

W Hesketh and Sons fined £80,000 after Joshua Hardman, 23, died in 2021 when a tire exploded during inflation. Farm Group Fined After Longridge Man Died in Tire Explosion A young man named Joshua Hardman died. He was helping inflate a tire at a farm when the accident happened May 7, 2021. He was only…