Church of Scotland Moderator to Preach at Kilwinning Abbey Church

Church of Scotland Moderator to Preach at Kilwinning Abbey Church

Dr. Shaw Paterson to lead service at Kilwinning Abbey Church on March 9, delivering the day’s sermon. Church of Scotland Moderator to Preach at Kilwinning Abbey Church Dr. Shaw Paterson will lead a church service on Sunday, March 9. It starts at 10:30 a.m. He will give the sermon and lead Communion that day. Dr.…

Eco Yobs Plan Month of Transport Misery in April

Eco Yobs Plan Month of Transport Misery in April

Activists boast of April plans for transport shutdown in London, revealed in a secretly recorded video call. Eco Yobs Plan Month of Transport Misery in April Some eco-activists bragged about their April plans. They talked during a video call The Sun listened to. The group plans to disrupt London transport, aiming for a 30-day shutdown.…

Fishermen Free Humpback Whale Tangled in Rope off Coast of Skye

Fishermen Free Humpback Whale Tangled in Rope off Coast of Skye

Two fishermen rescue a humpback whale entangled in rope near Skye, Scotland, using their special training. Fishermen Free Humpback Whale Tangled in Rope off Coast of Skye Two fishermen were fishing near a Scottish island. They got a report about a trapped animal on Sunday. These fishermen had training. The Scottish Entanglement Alliance (SEA) trained…