A47 Speed Camera Installation: £6 Million Scheme Starts Near Wisbech

A47 Speed Camera Installation: £6 Million Scheme Starts Near Wisbech

New speed cameras get installed on the A47 to enhance road safety. Closures will happen at night until November. A47 Speed Camera Installation: £6 Million Scheme Starts Near Wisbech New cameras are coming to the A47. They are average-speed cameras. Installation started this Monday, and road closures will happen at night until November. This project…

A47 Road Closures Begin Tonight for Speed Camera Installation

A47 Road Closures Begin Tonight for Speed Camera Installation

Overnight closures start tonight between Wisbech and King’s Lynn for A47 speed camera install. Expect detours. A47 Road Closures Begin Tonight for Speed Camera Installation They started installing speed cameras on the A47. The road work will cause some overnight road closures. This project costs £6 million to complete. It aims to make the A47…