Nine Arrested After York City’s Game Against Hartlepool United

Nine Arrested After York City’s Game Against Hartlepool United

Nine fans were arrested following the York City versus Hartlepool United game, amid heightened security and dispersal orders. Nine Arrested After York City’s Game Against Hartlepool United Last January, York played at the Prestige Group Stadium. Four fans got arrested then, and three were charged after York lost 2-1. City played Hartlepool again recently. Both…

Nine Arrests After Hartlepool United vs York City Football Match

Nine Arrests After Hartlepool United vs York City Football Match

Nine people were arrested during and after the Hartlepool versus York match. The arrests included away and home fans. Nine Arrests After Hartlepool United vs York City Football Match The clubs asked fans to behave well. They wanted fans to represent the clubs properly. This plea came before the game between them. Last January, Pools…