Scotland Speed Limit Review: Consultation on Proposed Cuts Concludes

Scotland Speed Limit Review: Consultation on Proposed Cuts Concludes

Public feedback sought on Transport Scotland’s plan to cut national speed limits. Survey closes March 5. Scotland Speed Limit Review: Consultation on Proposed Cuts Concludes Scotland looked at changing speed limits. A public survey sought views on this topic. It started on November 27, 2024, and closed today, March 5. They wanted public input on…

Scotland Speed Limit Review: Consultation on Proposed Cuts Concludes

Scotland Speed Limit Review: Consultation on Proposed Cuts Concludes Scotland Speed Limit Review: Consultation on Proposed Cuts Concludes

Public feedback sought on Transport Scotland’s plan to cut national speed limits. Survey closes March 5. Public feedback sought on Transport Scotland’s plan to cut national speed limits. Survey closes March 5. Scotland Speed Limit Review: Consultation on Proposed Cuts Concludes Scotland Speed Limit Review: Consultation on Proposed Cuts Concludes Scotland looked at changing speed…