Campaigners Push for Manchester Canal Restoration Project Plan

Campaigners Push for Manchester Canal Restoration Project Plan

Campaigners are advocating for the restoration of a canal in Salford hoping it will boost the local economy. Campaigners Push for Manchester Canal Restoration Project Plan A canal is being restored in Salford. It’s part of the Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal. This canal was built during the Industrial Revolution. People think restoring it could…

Bucks Poverty Drives Migration Northward During the 1800s

Bucks Poverty Drives Migration Northward During the 1800s

Explore the 1800s migration out of South Bucks due to the Poor Laws, workhouses, and opportunities in the North. Bucks Poverty Drives Migration Northward During the 1800s In 1601, England created a system for helping the poor. Queen Elizabeth I approved this plan. It was called the Poor Relief Act. Each local area, called a…