Extreme Speeding Dorset Drivers Clocked at 97mph in 30mph Zones

Extreme Speeding Dorset Drivers Clocked at 97mph in 30mph Zones

Drivers in Dorset were caught speeding up to 97mph in 30mph zones, highlighting dangerous and unacceptable behaviour. Extreme Speeding Dorset Drivers Clocked at 97mph in 30mph Zones Hey, guess what I just read? Dorset’s police did well in a recent RAC study. They ranked eleventh out of thirty-six forces. This ranking applied to all police…

Suspended Sentence for Driver in Ringwood Crash That Killed Teen

Suspended Sentence for Driver in Ringwood Crash That Killed Teen

Joseph Pickett received a suspended sentence for causing the death of Laionie Kennard in a crash near Ringwood. Suspended Sentence for Driver in Ringwood Crash That Killed Teen A driver got a suspended sentence. He caused a teen girl’s death in a car crash near Ringwood. Joseph Pickett, age 20, lived in Lyneham. He drove…