Former Police Officer Jailed for Harassing Revenge Porn Victim

Former Police Officer Jailed for Harassing Revenge Porn Victim

Ex-PC Mark Cranfield jailed for misusing his position and harassing a vulnerable revenge porn victim after downloading a video. Former Police Officer Jailed for Harassing Revenge Porn Victim Mark Cranfield used to be a police officer. He worked in Ludlow. Before that, he protected royalty. During a trial, they talked about messages he sent to…

Ex Cop Jailed For Exploiting Sex Crime Victim In Shropshire, England

Ex Cop Jailed For Exploiting Sex Crime Victim In Shropshire, England

Mark Cranfield, a former constable, was jailed for misusing his position and betraying a vulnerable sex crime victim in Shropshire. Ex Cop Jailed For Exploiting Sex Crime Victim In Shropshire, England A constable named Mark Cranfield is in trouble. He sent messages to a vulnerable woman, including one discussing his sex life. This all came…