Suffolk Show Launches Half Price Ticket Offer as Countdown Begins

Suffolk Show Launches Half Price Ticket Offer as Countdown Begins

The Suffolk Show is 100 days away! A half-price ticket offer was available for a limited time, plus win mystery prizes. Suffolk Show Launches Half Price Ticket Offer as Countdown Begins The Suffolk Show is coming! It is held at Trinity Park in Ipswich. This year’s show dates are May 28 and 29, during half…

Farmers Prepare Plans For Trinity Park Ipswich Showground

Farmers Prepare Plans For Trinity Park Ipswich Showground

SAA plans improvements for Trinity Park, aiming for financial growth, benefiting the local economy. Investment plans sought. Farmers Prepare Plans For Trinity Park Ipswich Showground The SAA will meet later this month to discuss changes aimed at improving Trinity Park showground. Trustees, according to chief executive Phillip Ainsworth, are planning improvements for the park. They…