Crimestoppers Campaign Aims to Stop Money Laundering Schemes

Crimestoppers Campaign Aims to Stop Money Laundering Schemes

Campaign in NW England and Wales educates public on money laundering, urging anonymous reporting of suspicious activity. Crimestoppers Campaign Aims to Stop Money Laundering Schemes Crimestoppers launched a campaign covering northwest England and Wales. The campaign wants to educate people about how criminals hide illegal money, encouraging the public to report anything suspicious anonymously. Organized…

Crimestoppers Seeks Help To Tackle Cash Only Money Laundering

Crimestoppers Seeks Help To Tackle Cash Only Money Laundering

Crimestoppers launches a campaign urging the public to report suspicious cash businesses anonymously to combat money laundering in Wales. Crimestoppers Seeks Help To Tackle Cash Only Money Laundering Crimestoppers needs your help fighting money laundering in Wales. Big illegal money comes from serious crimes. Criminals must hide, or “wash,” where the money came from. They…

Heathrow Passenger Charged After £400,000 Cash Find in Suitcase

Heathrow Passenger Charged After £400,000 Cash Find in Suitcase

A passenger at Heathrow Airport faces charges after Border Force discovered £400,000 in cash in his suitcase. Heathrow Passenger Charged After £400,000 Cash Find in Suitcase A guy got caught with a lot of cash. It happened at Heathrow Airport. He had a suitcase with £400,000 in banknotes. Border Force stopped him on Wednesday. The…

Cambridge Drug Dealer Must Hand Over £679,000 of Ill-Gotten Gains

Cambridge Drug Dealer Must Hand Over £679,000 of Ill-Gotten Gains

Maroof Rahman, a jailed Cambridge drug dealer, is ordered to repay over £679,000 of his criminal earnings. Cambridge Drug Dealer Must Hand Over £679,000 of Ill-Gotten Gains A drug dealer in Cambridge owes a lot of money. His name is Maroof Rahman, and he is 36. He got over 13 years in prison last year.…

Preston: Man Jailed After Found With Cash-Filled Rucksack at Station

Preston: Man Jailed After Found With Cash-Filled Rucksack at Station

A man was caught with a rucksack full of cash at Preston station and sentenced to twelve months in jail for money laundering. Preston: Man Jailed After Found With Cash-Filled Rucksack at Station Han Van Vue, aged twenty-one, got caught at Preston station on May 15, 2024. Police found him with a rucksack, leading to…

Brit Lottery Ticket Purchase Before Death Shown on CCTV

Brit Lottery Ticket Purchase Before Death Shown on CCTV

CCTV reveals Brit buying a Lottery ticket hours before his death in France. Police investigate murder-suicide theory. Brit Lottery Ticket Purchase Before Death Shown on CCTV Andrew Searle and his wife Dawn were found dead at their home in Les Pesquiès, France. Before his death, Andrew bought chocolate and lottery tickets, smiling and chatting with…

London Couple Acquitted of Possessing Criminal Property

London Couple Acquitted of Possessing Criminal Property

Bruno Kelmendi and Petronela Popovici were found not guilty after a trial related to possessing £11,180 deemed criminal property. London Couple Acquitted of Possessing Criminal Property Bruno Kelmendi and Petronela Popovici went to court, facing a charge about possessing criminal property. Bruno is 29, and Petronela is 23 years old. These two, along with another…