Care Home Shows 60 Acts of Kindness in Heartwarming Video Release

Care Home Shows 60 Acts of Kindness in Heartwarming Video Release

Avondale care home celebrates Turning Point’s 60th year with a video showcasing 60 acts of kindness in their community. Care Home Shows 60 Acts of Kindness in Heartwarming Video Release Avondale released a video on kindness day. This matched Turning Point’s 60th year. Turning Point handles health and social care. Avondale is a care home…

MP Myers Launches Petition Against ParkingEye at James Cook Hospital

MP Myers Launches Petition Against ParkingEye at James Cook Hospital

MP Luke Myers starts a petition against ParkingEye at JCUH. It gains widespread support due to concerns about vulnerable people MP Myers Launches Petition Against ParkingEye at James Cook Hospital Luke Myer, an MP, launched a petition. It opposes a parking system at a local hospital. The system is called ‘ParkingEye’. The petition has a…