Men Charged After Paddington Bear Statue Stolen in Newbury

Men Charged After Paddington Bear Statue Stolen in Newbury

Two men face charges for theft and damage of a Paddington Bear statue taken from Newbury’s Northbrook Street. Men Charged After Paddington Bear Statue Stolen in Newbury A Paddington Bear statue got stolen in Newbury. It sat on a bench on Northbrook Street. The statue came from Paddington’s creator’s hometown. Michael Bond created Paddington. It…

Man Charged After Part of Paddington Bear Statue Stolen in Newbury

Man Charged After Part of Paddington Bear Statue Stolen in Newbury

A man has been charged after a piece was stolen from a Paddington Bear statue in Newbury. The statue was recently vandalized. Man Charged After Part of Paddington Bear Statue Stolen in Newbury Okay, so something happened in Newbury. A statue of Paddington Bear got damaged. This statue sits on Northbrook Street. Police reported the…

Paddington Statue Damaged in Newbury: Two Arrested for Theft

Paddington Statue Damaged in Newbury: Two Arrested for Theft

Beloved Paddington Bear statue in Newbury damaged; two men from Basingstoke arrested for theft and criminal damage. Paddington Statue Damaged in Newbury: Two Arrested for Theft The Paddington Bear statue got damaged. This happened in Northbrook Street. The damage occurred early Sunday, after 2 a.m. Someone then stole a broken piece. Police arrested two men,…

Paddington Bear Statue Stolen and Smashed in Creator’s Hometown

Paddington Bear Statue Stolen and Smashed in Creator’s Hometown

Beloved Paddington Bear statue stolen, vandalized in Newbury. Two arrested for the crime. Paddington Bear Statue Stolen and Smashed in Creator’s Hometown Someone stole and broke a Paddington Bear statue in Newbury, Michael Bond’s hometown. The vandals smashed the statue into two pieces. Newbury is in West Berkshire. The statue sat on a bench in…