Burnley Man Carried CS Gas for Protection While Homeless

Burnley Man Carried CS Gas for Protection While Homeless

Dale Watts, 34, claimed CS gas was for protection while homeless, facing charges in court. Burnley Man Carried CS Gas for Protection While Homeless Dale Watts, age 34, went to court. The court was Preston Crown Court. He faced charges about gas and cannabis. He represented himself and had no lawyer. The prosecutor, Thomas Bramall,…

Clayton Le Moors Man Crashed Stolen Car After Police Chase Near Blackburn

Clayton Le Moors Man Crashed Stolen Car After Police Chase Near Blackburn

Man admits to crashing stolen car after a police chase near Blackburn. He received a suspended sentence and driving ban. Clayton Le Moors Man Crashed Stolen Car After Police Chase Near Blackburn Police caught four people escaping a car crash on April 24. This happened near Blackburn. Alfie McPhearson admitted to several charges, including careless…