Blackburn with Darwen Crime Stats December Show a Decrease

Blackburn with Darwen Crime Stats December Show a Decrease

December crime in Blackburn with Darwen decreased. Data shows a drop of 11.58% compared to November. Blackburn with Darwen Crime Stats December Show a Decrease Hey, want to hear about local crime stats? Police data shows December crime went down. The borough recorded 1,396 crimes. November had 1,579 crimes, so it dropped 11.58%. Violent and…

Anthony Shaw Dies in Earby Crash Family Pays Tribute to Loving Man

Anthony Shaw Dies in Earby Crash Family Pays Tribute to Loving Man

A 59 year old cyclist died after a crash on Bleara Road in Earby. Family remember husband, dad, grandad as a great person. Anthony Shaw Dies in Earby Crash Family Pays Tribute to Loving Man Okay, listen to what happened. Anthony Shaw died in an accident. He was 59 years old. It happened on February…