Girlguiding Anglia’s World Thinking Day Pyjama Party for Thousands

Girlguiding Anglia’s World Thinking Day Pyjama Party for Thousands

21,000 girls will gather for World Thinking Day. Fun activities across Anglia will inspire young attendees. Girlguiding Anglia’s World Thinking Day Pyjama Party for Thousands Girlguiding Anglia is hosting a big event. It happens on February 22. It’s for World Thinking Day. Around 21,000 girls will attend. Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, and Rangers are coming. Volunteers…

Warrington Guiding Leaders Honored at Cheshire Ceremony

Warrington Guiding Leaders Honored at Cheshire Ceremony

Girlguiding Cheshire Forest celebrated volunteers for years of service, including leaders from Warrington and Thelwall. Warrington Guiding Leaders Honored at Cheshire Ceremony Girlguiding Cheshire Forest gave awards to volunteers. These volunteers work with Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, and Rangers. They serve all across Cheshire. The ceremony was in Upton, at the Royal British Legion. Leaders with…