Shoplifting Ban: Daniel Shaw Excluded From Burnley Stores After Order

Shoplifting Ban: Daniel Shaw Excluded From Burnley Stores After Order

Daniel Shaw, 43, banned from multiple Burnley shops after a court order due to repeated shoplifting offenses. Shoplifting Ban: Daniel Shaw Excluded From Burnley Stores After Order A guy named Daniel Shaw, age 43, got a CBO. He lives on Piccadilly Square in Burnley. A court issued it because he broke the law. The court…

King’s Lynn Record Shop Reopens as Manager Deal Falls Through

King’s Lynn Record Shop Reopens as Manager Deal Falls Through

Original owner Tony Winfield reopens The Record Shop after a deal with a new manager collapsed at the last minute. King’s Lynn Record Shop Reopens as Manager Deal Falls Through The record store is reopening today. The original owner will run it because a deal with a new manager failed. Tony Winfield owned The Record…