Fight to Save Stourbridge to Kidderminster Diamond Bus Route

Fight to Save Stourbridge to Kidderminster Diamond Bus Route

Diamond Bus route 125 is set to end, sparking urgent pleas to save the crucial Stourbridge to Kidderminster service. Fight to Save Stourbridge to Kidderminster Diamond Bus Route The 125 Diamond Bus route will stop March 31. It goes from Stourbridge to Bridgnorth. This route passes through Kidderminster and Highley. The bus is ending due…

Birmingham Kidderminster Train Disruption Due to Track Maintenance

Birmingham Kidderminster Train Disruption Due to Track Maintenance

Track work between Birmingham and Kidderminster causes train disruptions. Buses replace trains on affected routes. Birmingham Kidderminster Train Disruption Due to Track Maintenance Hey, so some train stuff is happening. Network Rail will do track work soon. This work impacts some train trips. The railway shuts down on Sunday, February 16. It’s between Birmingham Snow…