Tennis Club Dome Angers Neighbors Calling it an Enormous Green Zit

Tennis Club Dome Angers Neighbors Calling it an Enormous Green Zit

Residents near Edinburgh fume over a tennis club’s inflatable dome, citing noise, blocked views, and visual blight. Tennis Club Dome Angers Neighbors Calling it an Enormous Green Zit A tennis club dome bothers some people. It’s in Stockbridge, near Edinburgh. Some think the dome looks like a green zit. The dome is at The Grange…

Coylton Tennis Club Seeks Land Transfer for Court Upgrades

Coylton Tennis Club Seeks Land Transfer for Court Upgrades

Club aims for ownership to unlock funds and renovate aging tennis courts in Ayrshire. Coylton Tennis Club Seeks Land Transfer for Court Upgrades Coylton Lawn Tennis Club wants the local council’s land. They sent a request to South Ayrshire Council. The request asks to fully take over the courts. The club already leases the courts…