Tuddenham Fountain History Unveiled by Local History Experts

Tuddenham Fountain History Unveiled by Local History Experts

Local historians reveal The Fountain pub’s rich past through recently discovered 17th-century documents. Tuddenham Fountain History Unveiled by Local History Experts The Fountain pub found old letters in Tuddenham. The letters dated back to 1664. Tom and Ruth Carroll own the pub and asked for help reading them last January. The Fountain is quite old,…

Suffolk Pub’s Historic Papers Find a Home at Suffolk Archives

Suffolk Pub’s Historic Papers Find a Home at Suffolk Archives

Documents from 1640-1940 found during renovation at The Fountain pub near Ipswich are now preserved at Suffolk Archives. Suffolk Pub’s Historic Papers Find a Home at Suffolk Archives A pub’s history is now safe. The Fountain is near Ipswich. Owners found old papers during a renovation, a discovery SuffolkNews reported last month. These finds included…