Teen Arrested After Street Fight on Wenman Road in Witney

A 17-year-old boy was arrested in Witney after a fight where a baseball bat was used. Police are investigating.

Teen Arrested After Street Fight on Wenman Road in Witney
Teen Arrested After Street Fight on Wenman Road in Witney

Okay, so something happened in Witney. It took place on Wenman Road. This happened on Friday, February 28.

A man in his twenties left a house with two big knives and walked toward a teenage boy. People think they knew each other well.

Next, the man dropped the knives and grabbed a baseball bat. The teenage boy tackled the man to the ground, and they started fighting right there. During the fight, the man hit the boy on the head with the baseball bat.

The police arrested a seventeen-year-old boy from Witney last night, March 1. They suspect affray and possession of a weapon, and he is currently in police custody.

Detective Inspector Roberts said they are investigating this incident as a high priority. People will see more police on Wenman Road. Anyone with worries can talk to an officer or contact the police online.

The police want witnesses and any information to come forward, including any videos or pictures. Call 101 or report it on their website as well, using reference number 1136 from Friday.

You can also give information anonymously by calling Crimestoppers at 0800 555 111 or visiting their site, as they are an independent charity.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/24974788.teenage-boy-17-arrested-fight-witney-street/?ref=rss
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