Old Hill restaurant’s driver suffered racist abuse from a customer demanding faster delivery. Owner responds firmly.

Fast delivery matters to the restaurant. The driver arrived in thirty minutes. Mr. Abdullah said the customer became abusive, shouting racist things because he wanted his food sooner.
Mr. Abdullah does not tolerate abuse and wants his staff to be happy at work, believing that happy staff make better food. The driver called him right after the incident. Mr. Abdullah keeps his phone open for his staff. The driver was surprised and upset by the abuse.
The driver is a valued team member who helps keep the business running well. Mr. Abdullah stopped him from making deliveries to protect him from more abuse. The Flyford Flavell community supports the restaurant now.
The community’s support is important; it shows the team they did the right thing and motivates them. They feel like they chose the right location, even though they have only been there for three months.
The owners are happy with how things are going. They expected business to slow down, as January and February are usually slow months, but the community kept them going strong. Some customers support them every week.
Nahid Abdullah started Tikka Tikka Kitchen recently with help from Shamal Ahmed, who also runs Little India in Redditch. The business opened three months ago.