Trethowans lawyers will swim the English Channel in August 2025 to raise money for Aspire, supporting spinal injury patients.

The lawyers hope to raise money for Aspire, an organization that helps people with spinal cord injuries. Andrew Mercer, Emma Wilders-Pratt, Laura Trapnell, Jennifer Bowes, Amy Croxford, and Taylor Anderson complete the team.
Andrew Mercer is a family lawyer at Trethowans. He wants to give back before retirement, having worked there for 30 years. The team assists people with spinal injuries, and Aspire gives critical support to them.
Andrew Mercer swam the Channel as a teen, his team breaking a world record as the fastest mixed-gender team crossing. He turns 60 soon and wants to repeat the swim as a significant challenge before he retires.
The swim begins August 22, weather permitting. Team members will swim one hour each, potentially taking 14 to 18 hours. Their ages range from 29 to 59 years old.
Amy Croxford wants to raise £25,000 for Aspire. Every two hours someone in the UK gets paralysis due to spinal cord injuries. Aspire helps people attain independence post-injury.
Five team members are experienced swimmers with this swim on their bucket list. Taylor Anderson, age 29, is less experienced and dislikes swimming, making it a significant challenge. He trains in the pool and cold sea.
They will swim from Dover to France, traversing a very busy shipping lane. The water is cold, polluted, and full of jellyfish. They hope jellyfish stings might distract them, helping them forget the cold and pain.