UCL Academy Reopens After Adelaide Road Stabbing Incident

UCL Academy reopens after a stabbing on Adelaide Road. A student was injured, and two arrests were made.

UCL Academy Reopens After Adelaide Road Stabbing Incident
UCL Academy Reopens After Adelaide Road Stabbing Incident

Hey, listen to what happened yesterday. There was an incident on Adelaide Road. Police got a call about a fight around 12:55 PM. A boy had stab wounds.

Paramedics helped him there, then took him to the hospital. His injury wasn’t life-threatening, thankfully. The UCL Academy had to close suddenly based on police instructions.

School is back today, but it’s gradual. Sixth form arrives at 10 AM and are asked to go to the main hall. Level 2P students come at 11 AM sharp, while regular level 2 students arrive at 11:30 AM.

On Thursday, other students return, including foundation, level 1, and 1P students. Morning assemblies will happen for them. The school postponed World Book Day and will celebrate it next week.

The principal, Andrea Pomphrey, sent a letter stating it was a very rare event. She knows families are worried because a level 1 student got hurt. The school called 999 for help.

The injured student is doing better now. The principal has stated they are thinking of him, including his family and friends. Staff are helping everyone deal with it and are taking it very seriously.

Two boys, both 14, got arrested. Police suspect GBH and weapon possession, and they are now in police custody. The police gave details, saying Officers went to the school at 12:54 PM on March 4.

A twelve-year-old boy suffered one stab wound. Ambulance crews treated him right away and brought him to the hospital. His injuries are not life-threatening, but he is still being watched at the hospital. Two fourteen-year-old boys were arrested and are suspected of GBH and having a weapon. The police have them in custody now.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.thisislocallondon.co.uk/news/24982192.adelaide-road-swiss-cottage-stabbing-ucl-academy-reopens/?ref=rss
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