ULEZ Expansion Leads to Substantial Air Quality Improvements in London

New data reveals significant air quality improvements across London following the ULEZ expansion, with reduced emissions.

ULEZ Expansion Leads to Substantial Air Quality Improvements in London
ULEZ Expansion Leads to Substantial Air Quality Improvements in London

London’s air quality improved a lot after the low-emissions zone expanded to cover all of London. A new report shows “substantial improvements,” including in outer London.

The report looked at the ULEZ expansion, which experts reviewed independently. Vehicle exhaust particle emissions dropped, with outer London seeing a 31% drop in 2024 compared to what would have happened without ULEZ. Nitrogen oxide emissions also went down.

Cars and vans in outer London emitted 14% less nitrogen oxide. Central London saw the biggest NO2 drop at 54%, while inner London saw a 29% decrease. Outer London’s decrease was 24%.

Poor air harms health, causing around 4,000 London deaths per year. Air pollution raises risks for asthma and cancer and also impacts heart health and dementia.

The ULEZ launched in central London in 2019 and grew to inner London in 2021. In 2023, it covered the whole city, helping five million outer London residents.

Sutton, Merton, and Croydon saw big NOx emission drops. Harrow and Bromley also benefitted; emissions there are around 15% lower now than what experts predicted without the ULEZ.

Road transport NOx emissions fell by 36% across London. Carbon emissions also decreased after ULEZ expanded, and outer London saw a 2% rise in visitor footfall. Retail spending did not decrease like predicted.

Most London vehicles meet ULEZ standards; compliance is at 96.7% now, up from 91.6% in June 2023. Only 39% complied back in February 2017, when ULEZ changes first affected people.

Image Credits and Reference: https://enfielddispatch.co.uk/ulez-declared-success-as-new-data-shows-substantial-improvement-in-air-quality/
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