Walcott Sandpipers Housing Development Construction Commences

Construction begins on The Sandpipers in Walcott, featuring 23 affordable homes with green technology and a 2026 completion.

Walcott Sandpipers Housing Development Construction Commences
Walcott Sandpipers Housing Development Construction Commences

Flagship Homes is building houses in Walcott. The location is Ostend Road. It’s called The Sandpipers, and there will be twenty-three homes there.

Homes England gave them money, and Marfleet & Blyth are the builders. Tony Tann directs Flagship Homes; he’s happy to build homes in Walcott.

The Sandpipers will have different sized homes, including one, two, and three bedroom places. These are for affordable rent, and people on the local list will get them.

Victory Homes will manage these homes later. They build the homes with timber frames, which saves time and helps ensure they’re well built.

Each house has a heat pump, and solar panels will also be installed. This makes heating and electricity greener and will lower bills for people. This also cuts the development’s carbon footprint.

Stephen Jones works for Flagship Homes. He thinks they will be great for locals because they’re energy-efficient, so they’ll save money.

The site will include play equipment, giving kids a communal area. The whole project should wrap up in 2026.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news/24981012.walcott-sandpipers-housing-development-construction-starts/?ref=rss
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