Wallingford Celebrates Pancake Day With Record-Breaking Race in 2025

Shrove Tuesday race draws huge crowd with races for kids and adults. A new award honors Pancake Day legend Ivy Small.

Wallingford Celebrates Pancake Day With Record-Breaking Race in 2025
Wallingford Celebrates Pancake Day With Record-Breaking Race in 2025

Wallingford held its Pancake Day Race. It took place on March 4, Shrove Tuesday, in Market Place, in the town center.

This year’s race was a big success, with over 120 schoolchildren participating. There were four different races for kids, and adults raced too, with someone winning a golden pan.

John Houston organized the event and said it had a great turnout. The town and schools really helped, and he thought the sunny weather made it better. He called it a perfect pancake race.

Racers ran a loop in the town’s square. They had to flip a pancake held in a pan every lap. People have done this for a long time, but nobody knows how it started.

This year they added a new award that honored Ivy Small. She was a Pancake Day Race legend, racing every year for many years until she turned 90.

Ivy Small passed away last year at 91. They dedicated the 2025 race to her, and the “Ivy Small best fancy dress award” honored her.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/24981180.huge-turnout-wallingford-pancake-day-race-2025/?ref=rss
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