Warrington FlixBus Driver Honored for Outstanding Customer Service Warrington FlixBus Driver Honored for Outstanding Customer Service

A FlixBus driver in Warrington receives a special award for exceptional service and positive customer feedback.
A FlixBus driver in Warrington receives a special award for exceptional service and positive customer feedback.

Warrington FlixBus Driver Honored for Outstanding Customer Service

Warrington FlixBus Driver Honored for Outstanding Customer Service
Warrington FlixBus Driver Honored for Outstanding Customer Service

Warrington FlixBus Driver Honored for Outstanding Customer Service

Darren Keenan got a special award. It was the ‘highly commended’ award for this year, and he drives for FlixBus. He started in November. Customers really like him.

Darren lives close to Ashcroft Mini Travel and has been driving coaches for four years. He drove for the prison service before this. He also served in the armed forces in Canada and the UK.

He helps veterans in his free time, supporting charities like Help For Heroes. Darren said this honor feels great and that he wanted to drive for FlixBus. He took the job with Ashcroft quickly.

Long distance driving needs a good mindset. He enjoys driving coaches a lot now, finding it different from his past jobs. One customer even called him the best driver, ever.

Jessica Strangward works at FlixBus. She said Darren’s story is inspiring and thinks it will encourage others. Driving for FlixBus appealed to him, and passengers give him great ratings.

Chris Ashcroft runs Ashcroft Mini Travel. He calls Darren a fantastic driver, noting his good rapport with all passengers. Chris is glad FlixBus noticed his hard work.

Darren Keenan got a special award. It was the ‘highly commended’ award for this year, and he drives for FlixBus. He started in November. Customers really like him.

Darren lives close to Ashcroft Mini Travel and has been driving coaches for four years. He drove for the prison service before this. He also served in the armed forces in Canada and the UK.

He helps veterans in his free time, supporting charities like Help For Heroes. Darren said this honor feels great and that he wanted to drive for FlixBus. He took the job with Ashcroft quickly.

Long distance driving needs a good mindset. He enjoys driving coaches a lot now, finding it different from his past jobs. One customer even called him the best driver, ever.

Jessica Strangward works at FlixBus. She said Darren’s story is inspiring and thinks it will encourage others. Driving for FlixBus appealed to him, and passengers give him great ratings.

Chris Ashcroft runs Ashcroft Mini Travel. He calls Darren a fantastic driver, noting his good rapport with all passengers. Chris is glad FlixBus noticed his hard work.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.warringtonguardian.co.uk/news/24972245.warrington-flixbus-driver-given-award-outstanding-service/?ref=rss
Image Credits and Reference: https://www.warringtonguardian.co.uk/news/24972245.warrington-flixbus-driver-given-award-outstanding-service/?ref=rss
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