Water in Engine Caused Fatal Fife Plane Crash, Investigation Reveals

A new report reveals water contamination in the engine led to a fatal plane crash in Fife. Pilot issued mayday call.

Water in Engine Caused Fatal Fife Plane Crash, Investigation Reveals
Water in Engine Caused Fatal Fife Plane Crash, Investigation Reveals

Hey, I read about a plane crash in the news. Nobody else got hurt, thankfully. The pilot planned a short flight nearby.

A report came out about what happened. CCTV showed the plane moving strangely. It looked like it suddenly lost control. This happened around 11:34 AM.

The plane might have started spinning. Someone near Kinglassie heard engine trouble around the same time. Then, the CCTV showed the plane hitting the ground close by. A person at the airport heard the pilot’s mayday call.

The report thinks water caused the engine problem. Water got into the engine’s fuel. The fuel system was contaminated a lot. Checking before the flight didn’t remove all the water. It’s unclear which checks the pilot did.

They will keep investigating the fuel. They want to know how water got in. Also, they need to understand why the engine failed later.
The engine lost power about 26 minutes after starting. The investigation will consider how they handled the plane after the engine went out.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/24997043.fatal-fife-plane-crash-caused-by-water-getting-engine/?ref=rss
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