Watford Police Station Site to Become 314 New Homes, Plan Approved

Plan to build 314 homes, shops, and a square at the former Watford Police Station receives approval from town council.

Watford Police Station Site to Become 314 New Homes, Plan Approved
Watford Police Station Site to Become 314 New Homes, Plan Approved

McLaren Living planned new buildings last summer. They wanted to build on the old police station site. The buildings would be four to 23 stories tall, also including a public square in the plan.

The town council approved this plan on March 4. Some council members had worries about the project, but rules stopped them from rejecting it. Other council members liked the design and thought the square made it seem less big.

It also helped meet housing goals. The project will make a new area in Watford, offering homes and a garden square. McLaren Living wants to improve the town center.

The old site covers 1.75 acres of land. There will be 314 rental homes built there, including both market and affordable options. Also, it includes an office building, shops, and a play area.

The plan includes keeping current Clarendon Road trees. These trees form a ‘garden square’ for everyone. Parking includes 75 spaces, with 16 for disabled drivers, and over 400 spaces exist for bikes.

Police moved last year in April and now work from a new spot on George Street. The old court building will be torn down, having shut down in 2017 to save money.

The council received public feedback about the project, with thirty-six people objecting, but one person liked it. Road officials worried about safe walking near Watford Junction, and the builders will improve sidewalks and crossings.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.watfordobserver.co.uk/news/24982197.plan-314-homes-former-watford-police-station-approved/?ref=rss
Disclaimer: The images on this site are for info only and follow fair use. We get them from public sources and try to stick to official ones. If you have any concerns, please reach out to us.
Fact-Checking Policy: We use reliable sources and check info before posting. Mistakes can happen, so if you spot one, please let us know, and we’ll fix it ASAP.

Local news team dedicated to accurate crime and community reporting within the Liverpool area. Email: dodoxler+pool@gmail.com

Watford Police Station Site to Become 314 New Homes, Plan Approved

Plan to build 314 homes, shops, and a square at the former Watford Police Station receives approval from town council.

Watford Police Station Site to Become 314 New Homes, Plan Approved
Watford Police Station Site to Become 314 New Homes, Plan Approved

McLaren Living planned new buildings last summer. They wanted to build on the old police station site. The buildings would be four to 23 stories tall, also including a public square in the plan.

The town council approved this plan on March 4. Some council members had worries about the project, but rules stopped them from rejecting it. Other council members liked the design and thought the square made it seem less big.

It also helped meet housing goals. The project will make a new area in Watford, offering homes and a garden square. McLaren Living wants to improve the town center.

The old site covers 1.75 acres of land. There will be 314 rental homes built there, including both market and affordable options. Also, it includes an office building, shops, and a play area.

The plan includes keeping current Clarendon Road trees. These trees form a ‘garden square’ for everyone. Parking includes 75 spaces, with 16 for disabled drivers, and over 400 spaces exist for bikes.

Police moved last year in April and now work from a new spot on George Street. The old court building will be torn down, having shut down in 2017 to save money.

The council received public feedback about the project, with thirty-six people objecting, but one person liked it. Road officials worried about safe walking near Watford Junction, and the builders will improve sidewalks and crossings.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.watfordobserver.co.uk/news/24982197.plan-314-homes-former-watford-police-station-approved/?ref=rss
Disclaimer: The images on this site are for info only and follow fair use. We get them from public sources and try to stick to official ones. If you have any concerns, please reach out to us.
Fact-Checking Policy: We use reliable sources and check info before posting. Mistakes can happen, so if you spot one, please let us know, and we’ll fix it ASAP.

Local news team dedicated to accurate crime and community reporting within the Liverpool area. Email: dodoxler+pool@gmail.com