Watford Tradesman Faces Setback Van Torched Tools Stolen Fundraiser Launched

A Watford tradesman starts a fundraiser after his van was torched and £4,000 worth of tools were stolen.

Watford Tradesman Faces Setback Van Torched Tools Stolen Fundraiser Launched
Watford Tradesman Faces Setback Van Torched Tools Stolen Fundraiser Launched

Léon Dominion started a GoFundMe page. His van was broken into early Saturday, February 22. Thieves then set it on fire.

Around £4,000 worth of his tools vanished. Stolen items included drills and dust sheets. The thieves returned later to burn his Volkswagen Caddy.

Léon nicknamed his van “Skye.” He says the van meant a lot to his family. His customers also valued “Skye”.

Firefighters were called to The Gossamers at 2:23 AM. They found several vehicles on fire, which also severely damaged two nearby cars.

Léon said the fire was very hot. The police and fire department came to the scene. He asks for help rebuilding his life.

Three fire engines came from Watford and Garston. Crews extinguished the fire after 50 minutes. Léon hopes to raise £4,000. He will donate any extra money to the fire service.

Léon needs funds to buy new tools. He must also purchase new supplies. Léon wants to get back to work quickly because his business suffered greatly.

The incident has limited his ability to support his family. The GoFundMe raised over £600 so far. People can donate to help him. Herts Police are investigating the incident now.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.watfordobserver.co.uk/news/24964612.fundraiser-tools-stolen-van-set-fire-watford/?ref=rss
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