Wembley Shop Owner Fined for Selling Illegal Tobacco Products

Sangit Paan House owner Jaydeep Bharat Thakkar faces jail and a fine for repeatedly selling illegal tobacco in Wembley.

Wembley Shop Owner Fined for Selling Illegal Tobacco Products
Wembley Shop Owner Fined for Selling Illegal Tobacco Products

Hey, guess what I just read? Jaydeep Bharat Thakkar, age 34, is in trouble. He runs Sangit Paan House on Wembley High Road. He got six months in jail, plus he has to pay nearly £2,000 because he sold illegal products again.

This isn’t the first time he’s been caught. He sold smuggled items before. The local paper wrote about it back in 2015, so it seems to be a recurring issue for him.

Brent Council’s team checked his shop acting on a tip about Mr. Thakkar. It happened on the last day of his suspended sentence. That suspended sentence lasted eight weeks.

They found many illegal tobacco items there. He even had a new storage unit. He used it to hide even more illegal tobacco. He’s been sentenced five times now for this.

He said he’d sell the shop after his fourth sentence, but it seems he kept doing it. A council member is glad about the judgement. The council wants to create a smoke-free generation, and they work to ensure tobacco rules are followed. Their trading standards team stops illegal cigarette sales. The council will keep fighting illegal tobacco in Brent and will prosecute those involved in this activity.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.thisislocallondon.co.uk/news/24974170.sangit-paan-house-wembley-fine-selling-illegal-tobacco/?ref=rss
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