West Suffolk Council Considers Dropping Taxi Age Limit of Fifteen Years

Council considers removing the 15 year age limit for taxis and private hire vehicles following drivers concerns.

West Suffolk Council Considers Dropping Taxi Age Limit of Fifteen Years
West Suffolk Council Considers Dropping Taxi Age Limit of Fifteen Years

Hey, check this out. The local council may drop an old rule about taxis and private hire cars. The council won’t enforce a vehicle age limit.

They had a meeting with drivers recently where a driver asked about the maximum vehicle age of fifteen years. This limit aimed to reduce pollution from old cars.

A driver pointed out new guidelines issued by the Department for Transport. These guidelines suggest age limits aren’t always best. They said testing cars manages emissions better.

The council member for environment responded and told drivers they’d consider the change. The council will now vote on removing the age limit, but this policy excludes electric cars.

He wants taxis to do well locally so people should feel safe in these vehicles. They also want drivers to be confident, and good service is part of that too.

The councillor is happy with the driver’s suggestion and thinks this helps the council communicate. He hopes more people attend the forum because they want to work with the drivers.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.suffolknews.co.uk/bury-st-edmunds/news/council-set-to-scrap-15-year-age-limit-on-taxi-and-private-h-9406883/
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