West Suffolk Local Plan Changes Open for Public Consultation

Have your say on West Suffolk’s future development! Review local plan changes guiding home building until 2041.

West Suffolk Local Plan Changes Open for Public Consultation
West Suffolk Local Plan Changes Open for Public Consultation

The West Suffolk local plan is changing. These changes will guide future building development. A six-week public review has now begun. The plan decides where to build new homes until 2041.

It includes policies for affordable housing and aims to improve home energy efficiency. The plan also seeks homes adaptable to health needs. Land gets allocated for job growth too. This will help them meet future needs.

The public helped shape the plan since 2020. They gave feedback during three consultation stages which the government requires. The plan went to a Secretary of State last year.

An inspector reviewed the plan at a public examination late last year. The inspector suggested changes and asked questions. The council responded to improve the plan. These changes are called main modifications.

Inspectors said the changes addressed their concerns and want a public review of these modifications. They still might make more changes, depending on the consultation feedback.

The review focuses on the modifications’ legality. People cannot repeat past comments or seek wider changes now. The modifications affect land, policies, and site boundaries. These changes ensure the local plan works well.

Guidance and a summary are online to help people. The review closes on April 15. The plan is important for the community and decides where homes can be built, allocating land for future job needs.

This review checks the modifications’ legality. The inspector will consider comments received and decide if the plan is sound. The council might adopt it this summer. Modification details are available online.

You can also view documents at those locations during opening hours: Brandon Library, Haverhill House, Mildenhall Hub, Newmarket Library, and West Suffolk House. Contact planning.policy@westsuffolk.gov.uk or call 01284 757368 for help.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.suffolknews.co.uk/bury-st-edmunds/news/public-consultation-on-changes-to-local-plan-launches-9406791/
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