A shopper at Westfield narrowly avoids being hit by a seat thrown from a high level. Video sparks outrage online.

He launched a heavy seat over glass, and it fell near shoppers. The guy wore a grey jumper and black tracksuits. He struggled to lift the blue seat.
The person filming said he wouldn’t do it, then exclaimed, “Oh my god.” The seat plunged past escalators and narrowly missed a shopper. It crashed on the ground floor, and shoppers turned around shocked.
The seat landed a foot away from them. Three boys ran up an escalator together, with the thrower running ahead. One boy filmed the incident. At the top, he said, “I can’t believe I did that.” Two boys appear clearly in the clip.
The clip was filmed on Snapchat. The video said someone almost died and included laughing emojis. They ran through the center, and a TikTok user uploaded it with #mad and #stratford.
The clip went viral quickly, and people accused him of attempted murder. Many tagged the police. One person described Westfield as a war zone, saying they’d never bring children there. Another user described it as attempted murder and said he should be found.
Others imagined it hitting a child, saying it could kill someone. Another person expressed shock at their actions, wondering how people could behave this way. The Sun asked the police for comment. The boys were filmed running, and one shouted, “I can’t believe I did that.”