Wilton Care Home Event Raises Funds for Alzheimer’s Support

Wilton Place Care Home’s fun Denim4Dementia event raised £328.75 for Alzheimer’s Support Wiltshire.

Wilton Care Home Event Raises Funds for Alzheimer’s Support
Wilton Care Home Event Raises Funds for Alzheimer’s Support

Last Friday, Wilton Place Care Home held a fun event. Staff, residents, families, and neighbors all joined in. It happened right in Wilton.

They organized the event to help Alzheimer’s Support Wiltshire. The fundraiser brought in £328.75. People showed support by wearing denim.

The Denim4Dementia event included some cool activities. Tasty homemade cakes were available to enjoy. They also had a fun quiz and a hamper was raffled off.

Antoinette Roberts manages Wilton Place. She said they had a great afternoon together. They care for people with dementia and support their families, too.

Raising awareness is very important, she noted. One in three UK people will get dementia. Alzheimer’s Support thanked everyone for their effort.

Barchester Healthcare runs Wilton Place Care Home. They’re a big care provider in the UK and the home cares for 66 residents now.

They offer both respite and long-term care. Wilton Place features a special memory lane community, which helps people with dementia enjoy life.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.salisburyjournal.co.uk/news/24981397.wilton-care-home-event-raises-hundreds-charity/?ref=rss
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