Wokingham Council to Directly Run The Hollies Care Home in Burghfield

The council bought The Hollies to meet rising care needs. Optalis will manage the 58-bedroom facility, ensuring smooth transition.

Wokingham Council to Directly Run The Hollies Care Home in Burghfield
Wokingham Council to Directly Run The Hollies Care Home in Burghfield

The council bought The Hollies Care Home in Burghfield Common. Last year, they also bought Bluebell House.

Optalis will manage The Hollies. Optalis is the council’s social care provider, and the facility has 58 bedrooms.

Wokingham Borough needs more care because their population is getting older. They need affordable and good care homes. The council says buying The Hollies helps meet this growing need.

The council wants a smooth change for residents and will work with families and staff. All residents should be able to stay there.

David Hare, in charge of adult services, spoke about the purchase. He said they are excited it will provide great care. Bluebell House shows they can do this well and partner with Optalis. Running homes with Optalis helps meet care demand.

This also lowers council costs and keeps local people in local homes, ensuring high quality care is provided. The need for specialist care is increasing.

The council wants everyone to feel at home in a community that cares. The Hollies will provide this.

Helen Woodland, the Optalis CEO, is excited too. Optalis welcomes The Hollies and sees it as becoming part of their growing family. They will focus on stability first by helping residents and families. Staff will also get support during this transition.

They promise high service standards. They want to build on the care home’s existing base. The council is growing its care role as the need for these services rises in the borough.

Managing homes helps local people stay local. It gives them good care, and the council lowers costs.

The council will work with West Berkshire Council to ensure all operations run smoothly.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.bracknellnews.co.uk/news/24965380.wokingham-borough-council-run-hollies-care-home/?ref=rss
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