Woodlark Numbers Soar in New Forest The Best Since Surveys Began

A record number of woodlarks have been found nesting in the New Forest thanks to conservation efforts and dedicated volunteers!

Woodlark Numbers Soar in New Forest The Best Since Surveys Began
Woodlark Numbers Soar in New Forest The Best Since Surveys Began

They found lots of woodlarks in the New Forest. Woodlarks are ground-nesting birds, and these birds are doing really well there now.

Volunteers counted the birds, and the Hampshire Ornithological Society helped too. They found record numbers of woodlarks.

About 260 pairs were found, a big jump from 2019, when they only saw 167 pairs.

The New Forest is a special place for birds. The survey checked how well the birds are breeding, and Forestry England is helping the birds.

They turned forest back into heathland, which helps woodlarks and other animals. This work took 15 years.

The New Forest is great for woodlarks, holding about 10% of all UK woodlarks.

Heathland is disappearing fast, but the New Forest still has a lot of it. Forestry England wants to save it.

The woodlarks’ return is a good sign, meaning the heathland is healthy. Volunteers helped a lot with the survey.

The New Forest is special for birds. Volunteers listened for the woodlarks and watched them eat and move around. This helped them count the birds.

The volunteers’ effort paid off. The woodlark numbers are really high, which is very encouraging.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.advertiserandtimes.co.uk/news/woodlarks-population-boost-for-forest-9407029/
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