Worcester Plans to Remember Covid-19 Victims with Guildhall Event

Worcester hosts a memorial event on March 8 at the Guildhall, honoring those who died during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Worcester Plans to Remember Covid-19 Victims with Guildhall Event
Worcester Plans to Remember Covid-19 Victims with Guildhall Event

People will gather at The Guildhall next weekend to remember the Covid-19 pandemic’s victims and honor others’ sacrifices during that time. The event takes place on March 8, marking five years since the pandemic’s start.

Worcester joins other UK cities in commemorating the Covid-19 Day of Reflection. The Mayor of Worcester, Mel Allcott, will lead the day, speaking at the Guildhall’s steps at noon, followed by a minute of silence.

Councillor Allcott said the pandemic profoundly impacted everyone. Covid-19 may seem like a distant memory, especially as time passes. The National Covid Day of Reflection helps us remember those lost and unite to remember those who died, and acknowledge the dedication and kindness then.

The Guildhall will glow yellow that whole preceding week. People can also sign an online memorial book to leave messages about loved ones lost. The Covid-19 Day of Reflection is on March 9, a Sunday, and events will occur across the nation.

Last year, hospitals unveiled memorials; Alexandra, Kidderminster, and Worcestershire Royal Hospitals remembered patients and staff who died. The charity funded steel memorials with butterflies on them, including an inscription of remembrance.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.worcesternews.co.uk/news/24973350.worcester-remember-died-covid-19/?ref=rss
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