Worcester Reflects on Covid 19 Pandemic at Guildhall Remembrance Event

Worcester marks Covid 19 Day of Reflection with a minute of silence and a speech by Mayor Mel Allcott.

Worcester Reflects on Covid 19 Pandemic at Guildhall Remembrance Event
Worcester Reflects on Covid 19 Pandemic at Guildhall Remembrance Event

Hey, something happened in Worcester. People held a minute of silence near the Guildhall, remembering those who died in the Covid pandemic. It’s been five years since it started.

The mayor, Mel Allcott, spoke about the pandemic, mentioning we are in a different place now. Back then, there was no cure, and many people sadly died. Long Covid still affects some people, and mental health issues linger too, impacting them from the pandemic. Taking a moment matters so people can remember what happened together.

The official Covid 19 Day of Remembrance is soon and will happen across the country. The mayor gave a speech after the silence, speaking about honoring those affected, past and present.

The pandemic deeply impacted everyone. Each year, Covid feels more distant, but those who lost loved ones miss them. They appreciate a day of remembrance, with the national day being March 9th. It allows people to remember those who died.

The day also honors kindness and hard work, and we can commemorate those who died. You might think about the sacrifices made; it impacted us all a lot actually.

I’m sure we appreciate social care, frontline staff, and researchers. We all likely feel gratitude to the volunteers – they did kind acts during that time.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.worcesternews.co.uk/news/24992601.covid-19-day-reflection-speech-guildhall-worcester/?ref=rss
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