Wrexham marked St David’s Day with a vibrant parade, music, and a bustling market in Queen’s Square.

A huge parade started at 11 am at the Guildhall. The awesome Cambria Band led the way, going through the city center. Tons of folks lined the streets to watch.
The Eisteddfod group joined in the parade, which was partly organized by Menter Iaith Fflint a Wrecsam. Wrexham council members also participated, along with local kids, teachers, and parents.
The streets looked amazing with red, yellow, and green as people waved Welsh flags. Some had daffodil or dragon themed things and Wrexham AFC shirts were also visible. The band then led everyone back to the Guildhall.
One person said many people came because of the great weather and felt St David’s Day was a massive event. They loved seeing the kids have fun.
Andy Hickie sang Welsh songs at the Guildhall, and the crowd joined in the national anthem. They also sang Calon Lân, a hymn from the 1890s.
Mayor Blackmore thanked everyone for celebrating and the organizers of the day, specifically Menter Iaith Fflint a Wrecsam, for their help. She appreciated the parade organization, acknowledging the event volunteers and police.
Mayor Blackmore also gave a shout out to the Cambria Band and Andy Hickie for performing. After the ceremony, folks visited Queen’s Square where a St David’s Day market offered food, drinks, crafts, and local goods. The farm stalls with local products did well.