Wyre Inn Microbar Opens on Load Street in Bewdley

Nigel Salsbury opened the Wyre Inn Microbar in Bewdley. It offers local drinks in a traditional setting.

Wyre Inn Microbar Opens on Load Street in Bewdley
Wyre Inn Microbar Opens on Load Street in Bewdley

Nigel Salsbury opened the Wyre Inn Microbar. He hopes it brings something new to town. It is on Load Street.

Nigel took over The Laundry Room. His team worked hard since August, creating a traditional bar that supports local businesses too.

Tanith Pearson works at the bar and recalled seeing the empty laundrette across from The White Swan. She suggested it become a microbar.

Nigel booked a viewing fast, and then he had the keys! They had a soft opening that was packed with people.

They received great feedback so far. Many people peeked at the bar during the renovation.

Over 200 people came to the opening. Nigel has worked in hospitality for 30 years and owns The Rising Sun and Little Chop House.

He used to own The Dog House. He also owned The Spring Meadow microbar. The new bar feels traditional.

It sells local drinks, with Bewdley Brewery supplying beer. They plan to work with other producers, and the furniture has a quirky design.

The microbar is dog-friendly. Tanith has worked in pubs for 20 years. They wanted to create a traditional pub that supports local businesses, too.

Tanith thinks empty buildings are a shame, and filling a space on the high street feels great. The launch event had over 200 attendees, and the team was happy with the reactions.

The bar sells local drinks. They planned to open Thursday to Sunday, but demand forced them to open seven days a week.

They play no music, so people can easily talk and socialize. They hope the bar offers something different, and everyone is welcome to visit and give them a try.

They welcome feedback and improvements. The bar opens at 4pm Monday to Wednesday, closing at 10:30pm. Thursday to Sunday hours are 12pm to 10:30pm.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.kidderminstershuttle.co.uk/news/24963844.wyre-inn-microbar-officially-opens-load-street-bewdley/?ref=rss
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