Yarm Bridge Closes Overnight After Crash Causes Brickwork Damage

Yarm Bridge closes overnight for repairs after a car crash damaged brickwork. Detours in place, but pedestrian access remains.

Yarm Bridge Closes Overnight After Crash Causes Brickwork Damage
Yarm Bridge Closes Overnight After Crash Causes Brickwork Damage

Hey, I heard some news about Yarm Bridge. Stockton Council will shut it down briefly. This happens tomorrow night, Sunday, March 9. The closure starts at 9 PM and will last until 6 AM on Monday.

They need to deal with damage caused by a recent car crash. Workers will remove broken stone pieces and put in a temporary barrier on the Yarm to Eaglescliffe route.

The crash made the bridge’s bricks lean outwards, and pictures show the damage this week. They closed the path next to the bridge, and fences now surround the damaged area.

You can still walk across the bridge, and pedestrians may use the north side. Emergency vehicles can also still cross. Expect detours for cars; these signs will guide drivers.

Bus routes won’t change at all. The bridge should reopen Monday at 6 AM. However, the south side path stays shut because they need to fix the stone wall properly; assessments will happen first. The council is sorry for the trouble.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/24992214.yarm-bridge-close-overnight-crash-damages-brickwork/?ref=rss
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