York Station Gateway New Bus Stops to Open Outside Railway Station

Bus stops near York railway station will move on March 10 as part of a £25.7 million city redevelopment project.

York Station Gateway New Bus Stops to Open Outside Railway Station
York Station Gateway New Bus Stops to Open Outside Railway Station

York’s station area is changing a lot. Big changes are coming in the next few weeks as the city plans to spend £25.7 million on the project.

Bus stops will move on March 10, affecting the city walls side. The new spot is about 50 meters away and will be more spacious, officials stated. Buses will still serve the station, and the change will happen overnight.

Many bus routes will change, including routes 1/1A, 5/5A, 10, 3, 4, 12/14, and 7. Additional routes altered are 11, 13, 16, 21, 24, 82/83/84, and 412. Further changes impact routes 9, 37, 40, 74, 80, 197, 840/843, and U1/U2.

Queen Street Bridge was recently demolished. It was built way back in 1877 and used to go over railway tracks. Those tracks are no longer even there.

A new public space is being built in the location formerly the site of the bridge. Workers are also building a cycle lane behind the new bus stops location.

Contractors will work at night to dig out and resurface footways and roads. These improvements are part of the public space changes.

The temporary road, which kept traffic flowing during bridge work, will shift. The council says this will also happen at night, and a walking route will be available, connecting to the new bus stops.

Blossom Street will have lane closures until April 12 as a new water main will be installed. This work, near the Railway Institute, will take place over ten weeknights, with the last night being March 28.

The station’s long-stay car park will shut down permanently on March 14. This allows work to begin on a new car park, a multi-story project undertaken by Network Rail.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/24972059.station-gateway-new-bus-stops-outside-york-railway-station/?ref=rss
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